Today I went to field work on a project in Western Victoria. On the way back, I was mobile Internet surfing and found a post from In the post there were a lot of classic Chinese literatures. Then I complained to Helen, my colleague, about how intensive my high school in China was that we went to school from 7.20am to 9.00pm.
Then I got back home and read the news. I realized today is the day for National College Entrance Exam of China, or GaoKao (高考).
I hate GaoKao. I firmly believe it ruined my life. In high school I believed the only way to success is to go to a good university. In order to go to a good university I need to do better in GaoKao. So I study and study but I just hate to do all that homework and exams but I just had to.
Everyboy is crazy in those days. They do nothing else except for preparing for the exam. The teaching usually finishes almost a year before the GaoKao, which means most of the Year 12 is exam preparation. The teachers take students all over around the text books. Students do hundreds of sample exams. I remember we had a book of five years past exams and three years sample exams. It was a nightmare.
I can also remember I was so stressful that I was almost sick in bed one month before the exam. I was always thinking if I did bad in the exam I would be a failure for all my life. Those days were just suffering.
And then luckily I did not bad and I went to a university in Beijing. Then I realized even I went to a key university it didn't mean anything. People were already planning to go to graduate schools in 1 year of their uni.
Now I am thinking all the time in high school I was wasting on that exam preparation that I had no other things to do. It is all because of this GaoKao. So GaoKao please die.
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